Wolf Energy Inc.

Gas & Exploration Company
As of 2023, Wolf Energy Inc. has plugged all of its wells.
We are working continuously to finalize administrative items and reach the final door-shutting stage. Wolf will continue to maintain its website, so the royalty interest owners and others can contact Wolf with any questions or concerns pertaining to the company's operation. Although Wolf has resigned its operation status, it continues to hold several deep but excellent natural gas projects, as well as shallower oil and gas petroleum projects in Loving Co., Texas.
After a 45-year legacy...

in the oil industry, it became abundantly clear it was time to close Wolf Energy, Inc. as an oil and gas operating and exploratory company. This was not a decision that we came to lightly. The industry continues to change over time, with some changes being positive and others being obstructive. The political pressures by the current Administration has demonstrated that it is not friendly to our domestic petroleum industry. However, this is a whole topic in itself.
Throughout my time at Wolf, I have had the opportunity to meet and work with some of the most intelligent, and hard-working people I have ever met. Petroleum engineers like Ray West with E.R. West Engineering and David Cox, former Mobil Oil Petro engineer. Wendy Holland (Starbeck) from Exxon, engineer Roger Hubsey (Well Herd specialist) and so many unique, smart people in the oil field industry.
In addition, my great respect and gratitude go out to all my former employees who became my friends along the way. Such great people like David Young, my field right-hand man, and David's son Steve Young. Steve was always eager to lend a helping hand and could fix anything that was broken. Bob Langford helped Wolf with office and administrative duties that were so invaluable. I can’t leave out our fieldwork over team who showed up in hot or cold weather with smiles on their faces. We would all sit and chat for a bit, then get back to work. Tim Rodriguez and Juan Ontineros were our longest and most faithful employees. I will miss each and every one of you.